Italy national workshop – 12th July 2017: Dare Valore all’acqua. La piattaforma EU H2020 FREEWAT per la gestione della risorsa idrica



The current year seems to be the Annus Horribilis for Italy in terms of water resources, in fact the relatively low rainfall and the increased needs from agriculture, civil society and industry have created undeniable problems in terms of water use. For the aforementioned reasons, water management is fundamental and cannot postponed any longer.

The workshops will focus on water management and a careful planning of the use of water resources in order to present a series of  interventions to be put in place to avoid water shortages and crisis/emergencies.

In this light, the event will highlight how ICT tools and services could benefit a well-planned work based on open data and rigorous analysis.

Specifically, the workshop will present the added value of the recently launched open source FREEWAT platform, developed and delivered by the FREEWAT consortium within the H2020 FREEWAT project ( through the presentation of some FREEWAT case studies.

The invited speakers, with different backgrounds (researchers, river basin authorities, stakeholders from Italy and beyond) will present and share their working experience in order to provide potential solutions to solve the challenges brought forward by the audience.

The workshop is organised in the context of the European Innovation Partnerships on Water (EIP WATER – Action Groups “Managed Aquifer Recharge Strategies and Actions” and “Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe”.

It is accredited by the Association of Engineers.

Programme (in Italian)



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