Water chemical composition an important asset for the primary source of life

The EU H2020 FREEWAT project and the EU FP7 MARSOL (www.marsol.eu) will be presented September the 24th in Florence (Italy) at the Workshop Water chemical composition an important asset for the primary source of life (under the patronage of EXPO 2015).

During the talk, Rudy Rossetto (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) will introduce the water-food and energy nexus and the environmental issues related to that. A focus will be done on activities run in the above-mentioned projects in order to increase water availability and quality and to develop innovative and GIS integrated ICT tools to apply EU Water Framework Directive and other water related directives.

For further info (only in Italian): http://www.dst.unifi.it/art-165--24-settembre-2015.html

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